Five Reasons Why Romanian Mail Order Brides are Highly Demanded Nowadays
Foreign men adore Romanian women for marriage and are ready to spend much effort in order to marry one of the ladies of this nationality. What makes them so special? They attract men with both appearance and character. So, here are five peculiarities that make these women perfect for dating and founding families with.

Romanian brides are the representatives of exotic beauty
Southern beauty of pretty Romanian girls has no analogs in the whole world. The main peculiar traits of the ladies of this nationality are:
- Subtle facial features with straight and accurate noses and pointy chins.
- Tall height. Often, more than 170 cm (5’7’’)).
- Attractive curves. Sexy Romanian girls can boast of slim waists in combination with massive hips;
- Well-maintained long brunette hair.
- Lovely dark eyes.
Many potential husbands fall in love with beautiful Romanian women right after seeing them, because such a beautiful appearance can win the heart of any man. But what next? Appearance is not the essential thing in a woman for serious relationships. So, let’s talk in more detail about the character of Romanian women for marriage.
It’s a pleasure to communicate with Romanian brides
It’s easy to get acquainted and communicate with them because they don’t like to complain or gossip. Women of this nationality can make conversation on any interesting topics. Also, these ladies have a good sense of humor. So, it’s pleasant to communicate with Romanian brides and it’s possible to have a really good time together.
Romanian brides are peaceful
Despite the fact all the people of Southern nationalities are rather emotional, Romanian brides never make scandals because of no reason. Even if there are some problems they prefer discussing problems calmly and finding compromises.
Romanian brides have got serious intentions
Unlike many American or European ladies, Romanian girls are not against getting married at a young age. And they don’t mind giving birth to children right after marriage. Romanian brides are aimed at founding big families with good relationships between spouses and a few children. These are not the women that want to date for a very long time before marriage or to live without children for years. Romanian singles are not interested in your money or just spending time together because of being bored. They are usually looking for a man who will soon become their husbands and fathers of their children.
Romanian brides are hot in bed
Like all Southern women, hot Romanian girls are very good in bed. So, regular and high-quality love life is ensured by marrying one of Romanian brides.
What are Romanian Wives Like: Four Peculiarities Making Them Ideal
There is no wonder that Romanian chicks with their wonderful appearances and good characters attract decent men and marry them. And being wives, they don’t disappoint their husbands. There are some features due to which Romanian wives are very appreciated by their spouses.

Romanian wives are loving mothers
Women of this nationality dream of a family with several children. And they do everything possible for their happiness. They take care of them thoroughly, take into account their interests, and ensure they have everything for comfortable living.
Romanian wives are equal life partners to their husbands
These women are enterprising and trustworthy. They are aimed at founding a close-knit family. So, they work as well as their husbands to enrich the family budget. They share the responsibilities. And in difficult times, Romanian wives are ready to help their spouses in any way they can do.
Romanian wives are welcoming
They don’t like it when a family is confined. Romanian wives communicate with distant relatives and make friends with other families who live close, with colleagues, etc. And they are always happy to invite guests to their places: for celebrating holidays or just spending a weekend together.
Romanian wives are versatile
There are no boring housewives among women of this nationality. After getting married, they don’t become interested only in the family. They keep on working, communicating with other people, and spending some time on interesting hobbies. So, there will always be topics to talk about, and life won’t be monotonous together with one of the Romanian wives.
Why Do Romanian Brides Dream of Foreign Husbands?
One of the reasons can be that there are many irresponsible local men. This is the peculiarity of the Romanian mentality. If a man promises something it doesn’t mean that he is really going to do this. So, many Romanian brides are eager to find more responsible and honest grooms from abroad. Also, a lot of women of this nationality are interested in the culture of other countries and career opportunities in them.
A Step-by-step Guide on Marrying a Romanian Woman
Read further, and you will get the tips for each stage of relationships:
- How to date a girl of this nationality.
- How to meet Romanian girl’s parents.
- What wedding customs take into account.
Tips on Dating a Romanian Girl
While dating Romanian women you should remember that there is a difference between your and her cultures and mentalities. So, you need to conform to this and find the right approach. Here are the tips that will be useful for those who want to win the heart of a Romanian woman:
- Don’t be boring. Once you’ve chosen one of the Romanian brides to communicate with you need to keep her interested. So, find new interesting topics to discuss. Take interest in her hobbies and career, and tell the same things about yourself.
- Find something you’ve got in common with her. This will make you closer and more interesting to each other.
- Don’t promise, but do. Empty promises are very widespread among local men. So, Romanian brides are tired of them and don’t like it when a man only promises but never does what he has said. So, watch your mouth and never promise the things you are not sure you will accomplish.

How to Meet Romanian Girl’s Parents: Three Tips
Here are some pieces of advice that will help you to win their favor:
- Show respect to them. Romanian brides worship parents and other senior relatives very much. So, they, of course, expect the same from their spouses. So, give a present to them while getting acquainted, be polite and nice to them.
- Show them you are reliable. Tell them what job you’ve got, where you live, etc. They should understand that you are a good match for their daughter.
- Discuss the plans about the common future with their daughter. They should understand that you are capable of making her happy.
Romanian Wedding Customs and Laws
Once you’ve won the favor of your mail order bride’s parents, it’s time to think about the wedding. So, take into account the following customs which Romanian brides still remember:
- Welcoming guests with special bread and wine. This expresses hospitality.
- Making a bow to parents by newlyweds. This expresses respect and gratitude to them.
- Traditional music. Many Romanian brides still want to include the old ethnical music into the modern wedding celebrations.
- The dishes of traditional cuisine on the celebration table. These are special pies with cabbage, sour soup, and others.
Family Values and the Opinion on Children Upbringing of Romanian Brides
- Romanian wives perceive the family as a sense of life. So, they appreciate their husbands very much. And also, they tend to keep in touch with all the rest possible relatives, even the distant ones.
- Romanian wives usually don’t want to delay giving birth to children. They believe that a family can’t be full-value without kids. So, they prefer to plan a pregnancy right after marriage. Also, Romanian women often would like to have not only one child but several of them.
- Romanian wives believe that fathers should pay as much attention to children as mothers do. According to their mind, children can be happy and develop normally only if they are beloved by both parents and spend equal time with both of them
- Romanian ladies often pamper their children letting them do what they want and buying them everything they ask.
- Grandparents spend much time with their grandchildren. Of course, it’s a pleasure for them to do this. But one more reason for this is that both spouses work. Romanian women are not housewives, and they don’t want to entrust their children to strangers. So, they ask grandparents to look after grandchildren instead of hiring babysitters.
- Romanian mothers want their children to get a higher education. So, they motivate them to learn well at schools and help them to enter universities.
- Romanian mothers teach their children to worship senior relatives. So, grandparents can be sure that they will be respected and treated well by their grandchildren.
FAQ: some more details you wanted to know about Romanian brides
What is the religion of Romanian mail order brides?
The majority of women of this nationality are Christians as well as the majority of Western men. So, there shouldn’t be misunderstandings because of the different religions.
Will there be a language barrier that can make it impossible to communicate with Romanian mail order brides?
The mother language of these women is Romanian. And not all of them speak English. So, there can really be some problems with a language barrier. But, of course, there are ways to solve it. You can use online translators, ask a girl to take courses in English, or choose for communication only the women who speak your language.
Can a cultural barrier prevent me from marrying one of the Romanian mail order brides?
There are no stereotypes about marrying foreigners in this country. So, nothing can prevent men from abroad from marrying Romanian brides. But the essential thing is that the bride’s parents should like you, or else they will be against the wedding, and it will not ever happen.
Do Romanian mail order brides work after marriage or prefer to be housewives?
Women in Romania don’t even want to hear the word “housewife”. They keep on working after getting married and even after giving birth to children. They rarely spend all the time of their maternity leaves to have a rest. They seek to start working again as soon as possible. So Romanian wives often need the help of parents or parents-in-law in looking after their children.
As both spouses work, they also share household chores equally. Also, they try to spend the same quantity of time with children. So, husbands should be ready for doing some housework and finding the right approach to their children.

Anastasia Bodrova is an ethnographer who has met and researched people of all ethnicities and nationalities. Her level of expertise is fueled by her passion for travel. She knows everything about the most prominent features of different ethnicities and she can teach everyone how to successfully communicate with people from other nationalities.