These are one of the Slavic nationalities, but with the inclusion of Eastern blood. So, they combine the traits of both these groups of nations in their character and appearance. This makes Bulgarian brides very popular with men. Let’s talk more about these contradictory women: what their character and outlook are like, what kind of spouses they can make, and how to behave with them while relationships and after the wedding. So, we are starting our full guide to Bulgarian mail order brides.

Why are Bulgarian Mail Order Brides So Popular Nowadays?
Any man can marry a girl from his motherland. But for some reason, many grooms prefer Bulgarian brides. Here are five essential things that make men worldwide go crazy because of love for the girls of this nationality.
Bulgarian Brides are Extremely Charming
All the Slavic girls are attractive, but these ones break all records. Beautiful Bulgarian girls are very subtle and elegant. Their bodies with graceful curves, slim waists, and exquisite long legs and arms attract the sights and win the hearts of men from any part of the world. Big eyes and full lips in combination with thin noses add even more beauty to the image of sexy Bulgarian girls.
To say more, skin and hair are in perfect condition because of the favorable climate. Many pretty Bulgarian women have got very thick and long hair: straight or curly — for any taste. And skins are brown like chocolate and smooth, without any defects like dryness or acne. Warm, a bit wet, and mild climate makes it possible to keep hair and skin in perfect condition without any effort. So, hot Bulgarian girls don’t even need any procedures in beauty salons to look gorgeous.
So, it’s impossible not to fall in love with Bulgarian chicks. Almost all women in Bulgaria look like top models from the magazine covers.
Bulgarian Brides are bright
They don’t miss the chance to emphasize their beauty. Bulgarian women wear bright clothes not only when going out to some events or celebrations, but just in their everyday life. So, they catch the eyes of all men around combining their natural beauty and stylish colorful looks.
Bulgarian Brides are well-mannered
You will never see a Bulgarian lady saying curse words or doing inappropriate things. Even young girls act like real ladies.
Bulgarian Brides are kind-hearted
Women of this nationality are extremely good-looking. And they know this fact. But it doesn’t influence their character in a bad way. Unlike many Western beautiful girls who think that if they are lovely they can do everything they want and act like bitches.
Bulgarian girls don’t act aggressively or rudely.
Bulgarian brides are active
They never let themselves be bored. Many hobbies, sport, traveling — all this is about women from this country. Many men love them for the fact that there are common interests and topics to talk over.

What are Bulgarian Wives Like?
The spouses of the women of this nationality are lucky ones because of the five following reasons.
Bulgarian wives are hot and calm at the same time
Many Western women like to make problems out of nothing. But this is not about Bulgarian wives. Despite the hot temper (which shows both in life and in bed) and love for the active spending of free time, Bulgarian wives don’t explode because of small matters. They prefer solving misunderstandings through peaceful conversations and finding compromises.
Bulgarian wives are tolerant and patient
They don’t fixate on the disadvantages and never nitpick without any reason. And even if there is a temporary difficult life situation Bulgarian wives understand that it’s better to wait and bear with this for some time than to make scandals or break the family.
Bulgarian wives believe that family is the most important thing in their lives
This is what they have inherited from the far Eastern ancestors. For this nation, a family is above all. So, Bulgarian wives’ attitude to the role of a mother and home keepers is very serious and responsible.
Bulgarian wives love children
Bulgarian wives are perfect for those who want to become happy fathers of a few kids. These women are proud and satisfied to play the role of a mother. And they treat children in the best way doing everything for them growing up in a friendly and happy atmosphere.
Bulgarian wives combine being hardworking with knowing how to have a real rest
These women do all the household chores diligently and responsibly. And sometimes they also work being married. Often, they are engaged in tourism, sports, the beauty industry, or even show business. They treat both housework and job very responsibly.
But when it comes to days off or celebrating something it’s impossible to stop them. Every holiday is held in grandiose scales with inviting all the relatives, friends and good acquaintances. So, the husbands of Bulgarian wives have no time to be bored. And what is more important such a passion for celebrations doesn’t influence the productivity in household chores and jobs.

Why are Bulgarian Brides Looking for a Foreign Husband?
It may seem that there are many decent local men. They are handsome, well-groomed, galant, and know how to run after girls. But still, many Bulgarian singles wish to marry foreigners. The difference in mentalities between local and Western men can make women prefer the second variant. Local men are too bossy being husbands. Not all modern women from this country want to deal with the family model when a wife obeys a husband completely.
The Guide on Marrying a Bulgarian Woman
Once you start communicating with Bulgarian mail order brides you need to know how to behave with a lady of this nationality when she becomes your real girlfriend. So, here are some tips.
Tips on Dating a Bulgarian Girl
Dating Bulgarian women may be a bit difficult because they are used to much attention and careful treatment by men. For not disappointing your new girlfriend:
- Tell her compliments. Bulgarian women like beautiful words. These women know that they look wonderful and are pleased when men emphasize this fact.
- Act like a gentleman. Open the doors in front of her and do the other small things that are expected from a real gentleman.
- Show well manners. Bulgarian brides never keep on communicating with men if they see rudeness or bad manners.
- Be sincerely interested in her. Bulgarian mail order brides are often very interesting personalities. So, talk about her hobbies and the ways she likes to spend her free time. Such conversations will be very enjoyable for her.
- Give presents to her. This point doesn’t even need to be commented on. All women like gifts. And Bulgarian brides don’t make exceptions.
- Make your dates various. It is boring for Bulgarian brides to visit the same places and do the same things for a long period of time. So, try to think of something new every time you meet.
- Spend time actively together. Women of this nationality don’t imagine their lives without activeness. So, join her in some sports, camps, or other things she likes.
- Get acquainted with her family and friends. Social connections are extremely important to people from this country. And Bulgarian brides introduce to their relatives and close friends only those boyfriends whom they see as their future husbands. And if her circle loves you be sure that your relationships will develop further successfully.
- Attend the celebration. Big celebrations of different holidays are a part of Bulgarian culture. Never reject if a girlfriend invites you to it because it is concerned as showing disrespect to her and her circle.
For the last two tips, you should be acquainted with the Bulgarian brides parents. We understand that this is a stressful process, but you can’t avoid it. So, we share some pieces of advice with you.

Meeting Bulgarian Brides Parents: 6 Tips
For making a good impression on them:
- Give pleasant presents to her parents.
- Show well manners.
- Tell the good things about yourself. This shouldn’t be like boasting. Just naturally tell the things you believe to be your advantages and the things you are proud of: for instance your job, achievements at work, useful and prestigious hobbies, and so on.
- Show that you are serious about their daughter.
- Discuss the details of the future wedding.
- Don’t reject being treated to something because it is perceived as disrespectful.
Bulgarian brides’ parents are usually kind and hospitable, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties in dealing with them.
Bulgarian Wedding Customs and Laws
Many Bulgarian mail order brides don’t want to forget about the traditions of their motherland. So, it will be better for you to be aware of few of them:
- Engagement before the wedding is compulsory. A bride and a groom exchange the special rings bought especially for the engagement.
- The outfit of Bulgarian brides should be specific. Every element of it symbolizes a certain thing. The dress should be compulsory white as a symbol of pureness. Also, a lady should put on something old (this symbolizes that she will save the old friends), something new (as a sign of the happy future), something borrowed, and any blue thing (these are the signs of luck).
- A bride spends the night before the wedding in the parents’ house because the groom can’t see the bride on the wedding day before the ceremony itself. This is a bad omen.
- A groom comes to the bride’s parents’ house in the morning and symbolically “buys” a bride from the matchmakers by putting money into the bride’s shoes.
- A bride dances with her girlfriends near her parents’ home as a symbol of saying goodbye to bachelorhood.
- When newlyweds come out of the church after the ceremony, the guests throw candies and grain.
- The entrance to the restaurant where the celebration takes place is covered with white fabric with coins and flowers on it.
- The Bulgarian bride’s mother treats the newlyweds with bread and salt.
Here are some more things it will be useful for you to know about Bulgarian brides.
Where can I meet Bulgarian girls?
You can visit this sunny country in search of a future wife. The people there are very easy-going, talkative, and open to making new friends. But getting acquainted with a girl alive you never know what her real intentions are. To be 100% sure that the lady is looking for serious relationships and is going to create a family, use specialized websites with the catalogs of Bulgarian mail order brides. There you will find a lot of Bulgarian women for marriage. And you can be sure that their final goal is not just flirt or friendship but marriage.
What religion are Bulgarian brides of?
More than 80% of the population of this country are Christians. So, don’t worry about religious incompatibility.
Will a language barrier be an obstacle to communicating with Bulgarian brides?
Many young people know English because they learn it at school and at university and then use it at work and while traveling. So, there shouldn’t be a big problem with the language barrier.

Anastasia Bodrova is an ethnographer who has met and researched people of all ethnicities and nationalities. Her level of expertise is fueled by her passion for travel. She knows everything about the most prominent features of different ethnicities and she can teach everyone how to successfully communicate with people from other nationalities.