Nowadays, arranging your personal life online is a good way to save a lot of resources and still make sure that this girl is really the one you need. Many people believe that serious relationships cannot be built on the Internet, but these are outdated stereotypes. What is more, looking for your bride on the web, you have really no limitations.
Why not consider Belarusian girls as a starting point for finding your soulmate? Belarusian ladies are educated, socially active, confident, and hardworking, and most importantly, satisfied with life girls. Thanks to Belarusian mail order bride service, many men have already become happy family men. How to become the next happy one and meet a Belarusian girl of your dreams? Here is your actionable guide.

Why Belarusian Mail Order Brides Are So Popular Nowadays?
What is the average Belarusian woman like? She is the same as any other Slavic woman – she is hardworking, stubborn, beautiful, and smart. After meeting a Belarusian bride, you will be convinced that:
- Belarussian brides are very beautiful, like all Slavic ladies. Light and shiny hair, blue or green eyes, proportional facial features, and a feminine figure are the classic features of Belarusian brides’ appearance. What is more, they know how to emphasize their natural beauty in the most beneficial way, without resorting to expensive cosmetology, excessive passion for diets and plastic surgery.
- Belarussian brides are the fine line between Slavic loyalty and European independence. Since this country was always on the verge, Belarussian brides absorbed the best qualities of the mentality of neighboring countries. On the one hand, they are calm, submissive, and loyal, like most Slavic women, but on the other hand, they know their value and are endowed with an innate sense of their own worth.
- Belarusian brides do not want to choose only one area for self-realization. For women from this region, careers, family, and children are equally important. Therefore, you should not expect that your Belarusian bride will become a housewife, as well as that she will live at work. Balance is the key to excellence.
- Belarusian brides are welcoming. One of the characteristic features of Belarusian brides is their readiness to welcome guests at any time of the day. Hospitality is a traditional feature of the Slavic peoples – perhaps only Georgians are more hospitable than Belarusians. When you visit this country to personally meet your Belarusian bride, you will see it for yourself.
What Are Belarusian Wives Like?
When it comes to family life, Belarusian brides are typical Slavs who love and know how to cook deliciously, always maintain order and cleanliness in the house, always look stunning and fond of makeup, and consider it their duty to raise children as worthy people. Such a woman would be an ideal wife. That is why Belarusian mail order bride service is an online opportunity that can make you happy.
Do you want to create a loving family? A bride from Belarussia has a solid potential to win your heart and do everything possible to create a strong family.
Why Belarusian Brides Are Looking for a Foreign Husband?
In fact, the situation in Belarus is quite typical and in many ways resembles the situation in many post-Soviet republics. The thing is that men of this (and neighboring nationalities) very often turn out to be lazy, not ready for responsibility for the family, amorphous, and unambitious with a low level of morality. Men from Europe and America seem to Belarusian brides to be more reliable, respectable, and trustworthy.
The Guide on Marrying Belarusian Women – If You Like Sincere and Intelligent Brides
To simplify your task, we will show you how to act correctly so dating Belarusian women will be successful and unforgettable.

Tips on Dating a Belarusian Girl
To please any girl, you first need to know what she likes. Let’s consider what Belarusian brides like.
- For long-term relationships, Belarusian brides tend to prefer altruists.
- Heroism and primitive machismo are also highly valued: rescuing a drowning man, hunting, or playing with fire will add points to you in the eyes of a beautiful Belarusian woman.
- Belarusian ladies love grateful listeners. Leave the topics in which you do not understand anything, but also do not start a conversation about something that obviously will not cause a response from the Belarusian lady. Start with shared stories: talk about movies, music, favorite foods, exhibitions, and books. Topics like these will help you both find an interesting conversation, and communication will bring pleasure to both of you.
- Belarusian brides don’t mind communicating and dating. And finally, let’s admit that Belarusian girls just love men. As they are: sensitive and understanding, generous and successful, courageous and strong, attentive and grateful, brutal and romantic, and most importantly, loving.
If a Belarusian woman has to repeat her question several times before her chosen one answers it, or if a man considers signs of attention an excess, such a relationship is doomed. Women love and especially appreciate the moments when a man’s attention is completely devoted to them.
Meeting Belarusian Bride Parents: 3 Tips
In the first place, the women of this friendly country have always had family values. A similar situation is observed to this day. Therefore, meeting the parents is a very important and responsible step for Belarusian brides. Here are some tips for you to decrease your worries.
- Dress code. Treat meeting your sweetheart’s family like a job interview. There is a lot in common between these two events: both when going to an interview and when meeting the girl’s parents for the first time, you must carefully think over all the details of the outlook.
- Treat your girlfriend like a gentleman. Be as attentive as possible. You can even offer the girl’s parents to help set the table or do something in the kitchen, but don’t overdo it, otherwise they may think that you are trying to win their approval or, worse, curry favor with them.
- Don’t be prejudiced and try to be polite when it comes to politics, religion, and so on. You obviously won’t be able to make a positive impression on your beloved’s family if you start criticizing religion, and then suddenly it turns out that your girlfriend’s parents are believers and go to church every Sunday.
Belarusian Wedding Customs and Laws
You can treat folk traditions in different ways: as superstitions, relics of the past, or dusty museum “exhibits”, or you can consider it a source of centuries-old wisdom, observations, and knowledge of life patterns. Belarusian women value traditions very much and pass them on from generation to generation. Belarusian brides would be glad to follow all the necessary traditions at their weddings, however, they will also take your opinion into account.
- Wedding dresses. The bride is very careful when choosing a dress. The wedding dress should cover the chest, shoulders, legs. They buy it on Wednesday, and the shoes on Friday.
- Rings. Traditionally, the groom should have a gold ring, and the bride should have a silver one. This means the union of the Moon and the Sun. Rings must be purchased in one place and not have any patterns, they cannot be worn on gloves.
- Feast. The guests meet the newlyweds with a loaf and honey. You just need to try the honey and pour the rest over your shoulder so that all the bad is left behind. The bride and groom kiss the loaf and bow. Then they close a lock on the threshold – a symbol of lasting happiness.
Here are the answers to some questions about Belarusian brides you may have.

How do pretty Belarusian women dress?
In general, these girls know how to keep a balance between practicality, beauty, convenience, and budget of the outfit. If you look at Belarusian brides, it seems that makeup is always with them. On the streets, squares, shops, in the subway – it’s hard to see someone without makeup.
What professions do Belarusian brides choose?
Most often, preference is given to economics and finance, management, computer science, and IT technologies. These are the most popular professional destinations, which are chosen by more than a third of Belarusian brides.
How Belarusian brides differ from Russian and Ukrainian girls?
In fact, the mentality of those three countries is very close to each other. However, Belarussian brides tend to rely on themselves while Russian brides, for example, expect a husband to maintain the whole family. However, all these worldviews are specific for each girl, so don’t hesitate to ask the important questions from the very beginning.

Anastasia Bodrova is an ethnographer who has met and researched people of all ethnicities and nationalities. Her level of expertise is fueled by her passion for travel. She knows everything about the most prominent features of different ethnicities and she can teach everyone how to successfully communicate with people from other nationalities.