Portugal is a popular destination for tourists who prefer excellent rest at picturesque beaches. And, of course, it is hard to resist hot local girls. But it may seem a bit challenging for foreigners to build more serious relationships with pretty Portuguese women than light vacation flings.
How to win the heart of a woman of this nationality if you want her to become your wife in the future? Learn some details about the character and mentality of these ladies and find the tips on how to date them below.

What Are Portuguese Women Like?
If you have never been to this country you probably do not know much about the advantages of wonderful local ladies. And here are some details on their qualities for you to understand that girls of this nationality are really worthy of your attention.
They are Friendly and Welcoming
Those who have ever visited Portugal immediately notice a high level of friendliness of locals. They always smile and are ready to help tourists and to make friends with them. Thus, if you like one of the beautiful Portuguese girls, feel free to start a conversation with her. Most likely, you will get a polite and positive response. So, there is no reason to be afraid of a rude refusal.
They are Easygoing
Portuguese women are fond of socializing. They never refuse to make new friends. Moreover, they never let their friends get bored. Portuguese girls always find interesting topics to discuss and exciting places to visit together.
They Look Exotic and Naturally
Portuguese ladies look quite unusual for Western men. They have got tan skin and brunette hair, entrancing big eyes, and alluring full lips.
And hot Portuguese girls know that they look extremely appealing without any tuning. They are not fond of eye-catching bright make-ups. Also, they very rarely improve their bodies with the help of plastic surgery. So, sexy Portuguese women can boast of outstanding natural beauty.
They are Calm and Relaxed
You will never see a woman of this nationality shouting or fussing. This is not typical for Portuguese people. They are used to doing everything at a relaxed pace and to solving all misunderstandings in a peaceful manner.
They are Affectionate and Passionate
Despite their calm nature, Portuguese women are not cold. They are not shy to express their feelings not only with beautiful words but also physically. Long hugs, passionate kisses, and fantastic sex are the main ways how hot Portuguese girls show their love for their partners.
Do Portuguese Women Make Good Wives?
Girlfriends of this nationality are extremely sought after. But what about the role of a wife? Do these women cope with it well?
Portuguese Wives are Extremely Hot
Portuguese wives do not become cold to their partners over years. They believe sensual touches and passionate kisses to be the core ways to show love. Sex is very important for them as well. They believe that only good communication and supporting each other in everyday life are not enough for true love. The physical component of relationships does not disappear from their lives after years of being married.
Portuguese Wives are Loyal
Despite being so hot Portuguese wives are very loyal. They believe cheating on their husbands to be a betrayal. So, they never do this. And, of course, they expect their husbands never to cheat them as well.
Portuguese Wives Make Equal Life Partners for Their Husbands
Portugal is a progressive country with emancipated women. So, Portuguese wives are not for traditional family values according to which a man should be a breadwinner and a woman should be a housewife. Such a philosophy does not fit the worldview of independent and ambitious Portuguese women. Therefore, wives of this nationality make careers and contribute to a family budget along with their husbands.

What Kind of Men Do They Like?
Portuguese women are kind and tolerant. So, they do not judge people by their appearance, age, or nationality. Also, they are rather ambitious and self-sufficient. So, they do not seek to find rich husbands that will take care of them.
But still, there are some qualities that increase the chances to get reciprocity from one of the Portuguese mail order brides. To be more attractive to the girls of this nationality, a man should be:
- Hot and affectionate. Sex and other physical love expressions (hugs, kisses, etc) are very important for Portuguese women. So, if you are cold and passive in this area of relationships you have no chances to conquer a girl of this nationality.
- Loyal. Each Portuguese woman likes hot men. But if she sees him showing his attention to many other girls except her she will not want to start any serious relationships with such an unconscious man.
- Romantic. Ladies of this nationality are fond of romance. They cannot imagine any relationship without it. So, if you are used to thinking only in a practical way you will need to make some effort to become a bit more romantic. Only romantic men have chances to succeed in dating Portuguese women.
Where to Meet Portuguese Women in Portugal?
Going to this country will definitely be an exciting adventure. Even if you will not be lucky enough to find a future wife during a trip, you are sure to have at least a mind-blowing affair with a hot Portuguese girl. Here are the best cities for having a great vacation and meeting ladies:
- Lisbon, the capital and the largest city of the country.
- Porto, the largest but one city of Portugal with a very well-developed economy and infrastructure.
- Funchal, the main port of the Portuguese resort island Madeira.
This is a magnificent city with fabulous nature, great historical sightseeings, and, what is the most interesting for you, gorgeous local women. If you want to see the hottest of them go to one of the most popular nightclubs:
- Dock’s Club;
- Club Noir;
- Night Club VIP;
- Kremlin;
- Incognito;
- Jamaica;
- Black Tie Club.
If you are not a big fan of nightlife try to find some intelligent girls in museums:
- National Museum of Ancient Art;
- The Museum of Lisbon;
- Maritime Museum.
To enjoy the fresh air and meet sporty girls visit one of the most beautiful local parks:
- Estrela Park;
- Eduardo VII Park;
- Monsanto Ecological Park;
- Water Garden;
If you have some time left after visiting Lisbon, go to the second-largest city. A lot of hot Portuguese girls are waiting for you in the local nightclubs:
- Moreclub;
- Tendinha Dos Clérigos;
- Plan B Club;
- Perola Negra Club;
- Escada Porto;
- Zoom Porto.
If you want not only to meet girls but have a full-value vacation go to this beautiful city on Madeira Island. You can meet a lot of attractive women at the local beaches. And to increase the chances to find a girlfriend do not forget to visit one of the most popular nightclubs:
- Vespas;
- Marginal;
- No 81;
- The Factory.
Where to Meet Portuguese Women Online?
Cannot wait to meet Portuguese girls, but have no opportunity to go to Portugal right now? Get registered on Portuguese mail order brides platforms! These websites and apps provide a wide choice of Portuguese singles who are ready to start dating foreign men. All of them have serious intentions. They are looking for future husbands but not for light affairs.
Additionally, Portuguese mail order brides services have all the needed features for quick search and convenient keeping in touch with women you like. Moreover, they care about being easily accessible both from desktop devices and mobile phones.

How to Date a Portuguese Girl: 10 Tips
Are you eager to overcome a cultural barrier with a Portuguese bride and make a happy international couple? Then here are some tips for foreigners on dating a Portuguese woman:
- Be generous with compliments. Portuguese women are used to getting a lot of compliments from local men. Therefore, some of them even do not pay attention to men who give compliments rarely. So, to be noticed by a Portuguese mail order bride and to make her more positively predisposed to you do not forget about this recommendation. Giving compliments is easy and does not require any effort. If you do this every day you quickly get used to this manner of communication with a lady.
- Do not be shy to express your love. Portuguese mail order brides cannot deal with shy men. They even do not understand how a man can be shy. If you do not express your feelings to her openly she will just take this as the absence of love.
- Be romantic. We have already mentioned that Portuguese women are fond of romantic men. But what does it mean to be romantic? Tell her beautiful words, give unexpected presents, organize romantic dinners — there are so many ways to please the lady you love.
- Be a fantastic lover. This is the compulsory component of healthy and happy relationships. If you cannot satisfy a woman’s sexual desires and appetites she will not be happy together with you.
- Get along with her circle. Friends mean a lot to Portuguese women. They usually discuss all the details of their private life with their close circle. Moreover, they usually heed the advice of their friends. Thus, if her circle does not like you, you hardly have any chances to marry a Portuguese mail order bride.
- Do not be too serious. Of course, you should show serious intentions about her in relationships. But it is not necessary to always be serious while you are spending time together. Portuguese women like to relax and have fun. So, they are fond of positive men with a good sense of humor.
- Do not get offended if she is late. Not to hurry is a part of Portuguese mentality. Therefore, do not take it as disrespect when she is a bit late. This is typical for the girls of this nationality.
- Celebrate holidays together. Rest and parties are very important for these ladies. They cannot live without a good rest. So, to become closer to each other, go to parties and celebrate holidays together.
- Treat her as equal. Portuguese women are very self-sufficient. They never date men that do not respect their personality. So, treat her not only as a beautiful girl but also as an interesting conversationalist, a true friend, and an equal life partner.
- Make a proposal romantically. As you have already learned, Portuguese women like everything to be romantic. This is also about a proposal. The more romantic it is the higher are the chances that she will say “Yes!”.
Will There Be a Language Barrier?
You may not worry about this problem because the majority of Portuguese women are fluent in English. Though their mother tongue is Portuguese, English is a very widespread foreign language. All young people speak it. Also, some part of the Portuguese population speaks French.
Are Portuguese Women Golddiggers?
They are definitely not. These are not the kind of women that want to stay at home while their husbands work. For Portuguese women, being a housewife is boring and dull.
They want to live interesting lives full of activities and achievements. Therefore, they usually try hard to make good careers. Also, many of them have hobbies that bring additional profit or even become the main income. So, Portuguese women usually contribute to a family budget not expecting their husbands to provide for the whole family on their own.
Portuguese mail order brides do not judge potential husbands by the level of their income. But, of course, it does not mean that women of this nationality like poor men without any ambitions. To be a good match for a Portuguese girl you should be on the same level: have the same level of education or work in similar areas.
Portuguese wives are not the kind of spouses that do everything to please their husbands. As they earn money for the family along with their husbands, they expect them to share household chores as well. So, be ready to assume half of the household chores.
If it is a crucial issue for you, before choosing one of the Portuguese mail order brides, discuss with her what household chores she is ready to do and what of them she expects you to do.

Anastasia Bodrova is an ethnographer who has met and researched people of all ethnicities and nationalities. Her level of expertise is fueled by her passion for travel. She knows everything about the most prominent features of different ethnicities and she can teach everyone how to successfully communicate with people from other nationalities.