Why Are Moldovan Mail Order Brides So Popular Nowadays?
Unlike their closest neighbors from Ukraine and Romania, Moldovan brides are virtually unknown on the international dating scene. However, they are more than worthy of your attention, and here are three reasons to prove it.

They will captivate you with their looks
Being located in the heart of Eastern Europe, Moldova took the best features from the whole region. A typical Moldovan bride has olive skin, subtle facial features, and a mane of black, glossy hair. At the same time, Moldovan women are not afraid of experimenting with their appearance and you can often see a Moldovan bride whose hair is dyed blonde or red. Women in Moldova are not too skinny, but they are known for their voluptuous curves and their daring fashion sense.
They are honest and sincere
If there is one thing you need to know about Moldovan women, it’s that they are completely unable to fake their feelings or tell anything but the truth when they are in love. You can always tell that a Moldovan bride is smitten with you by the tone of her voice, her body language, and even the blush on her cheeks. When you become closer and your relationship progresses, her honesty continues being one of the best things about her. She will always be truthful with you and will never make you question her sincerity.
They want to get married once and for all
Divorce is fairly common in Moldova and there is a high probability that you will meet a Moldovan woman who comes from a one-parent household. However, the experience of growing up in a divorced family or witnessing divorce in the families of friends and relatives makes Moldovan girls resent divorce. They are very careful about choosing a partner for marriage, and there is only one reason for that: they want the marriage to be happy and last forever.
What Are Moldovan Wives Like?
Marrying a woman from a completely different part of the world is undoubtedly a difficult decision, but here are 3 facts about Moldovan wives that will make you want to do it right away.

They are easy-going and adaptable
Most Moldovan women don’t grow up in the most comfortable conditions, and that’s exactly what makes them so strong and able to adapt to anything. Moldovan women make perfect mail order wives because they are not afraid of any challenges and view moving abroad as their chance to improve their lives. A Moldovan wife won’t complain or nag — she will work together with you to create a better living together.
They are always trying to make themselves better
Your Moldovan wife may work full-time or never work a day in her life, but she will always retain the passion for learning and trying new things. Moldovan wives are constantly working to improve themselves, whether it’s their professional skills, appearance, or even cooking proficiency. A woman from Moldova gets only better with age and you will always be able to learn something new about your beloved wife.
Motherhood is their true calling
The child-free movement is as far from the mindset of Moldovan women as possible. They can only view their life and marriage as complete when there are a couple of kids running around laughing. Many Moldovan girls grow up in households with multiple children, which gives them the skills and experience required to be a good mother, but they also have warm, caring, and affectionate personalities, which can be even more important in parenthood.
Why Are Moldovan Brides Looking for a Foreign Husband?
Moldova is a small Eastern European country that rarely gets on the news, and when it does, it’s typically due to the political and economic troubles in the country. Needless to say, Moldovan girls are willing to use whatever chance they have to build a better life elsewhere and ensure that their future children are fully provided for.
However, the desire for stability and comfort is not the only reason why Moldovan women become mail order brides. They are also fascinated by the Western way of living and the typical qualities of a Western man. Since Moldovan brides don’t travel that often, they believe that they have the best chance of finding a foreign husband through international dating sites.
The Guide on Marrying a Moldovan Woman
Tips on dating a Moldovan girl
No Moldovan mail order bride will agree to marry you without dating you for at least some time and she will pay attention to everything you do to paint a complete picture of your personality. These five tips will help you build a perfect relationship with a Moldovan bride.
- Take the lead from the get-go. Moldovan women are strong and decisive, but they are fully prepared for the man to become the leader in the relationship. The course of your romance with a Moldovan bride will be solely your responsibility.
- Compliment her looks. Moldovan women take excellent care of themselves, especially when they have a highly eligible bachelor to impress. As soon as your date arrives at the venue, make sure to shower her with cute and highly specific compliments.
- Make sure your appearance is up to par. Given how much time your Moldovan bride spent in front of the mirror getting ready for the date, it’s only fair for you to make an effort as well and wear well-fitted, modern clothes and a nice perfume.
- Covering the check is a must. Moldovan women are yet to adopt most of the Western feminism ideas, which is why the thought of paying for the date will not even cross their minds. When the waiter gives you a check, you are expected to pay without saying anything.
- Show your serious side. Having fun and joking around are two great activities to enjoy on a date, but a Moldovan girl can get those with any of the local men. What she wants from you is a more serious, caring, and mature attitude.

Meeting Moldovan bride parents: 3 tips
When the relationship between you and your Moldovan bride is going well, sooner or later you will have to meet her parents. Their opinion is very important to any Moldovan woman and here is what you can do to make them like you:
- Be as formal as they are. Depending on their background and way of living, Moldovan parents can be very different in terms of treating their potential son-in-law. Take cues from their behavior and you will know exactly how formal you need to be.
- Arrive with thoughtful gifts for everyone. Exchanging gifts is an integral part of Moldovan culture and you are definitely not expected to come to a Moldovan home for the first time empty-handed. Don’t forget to bring gifts for the bride’s siblings and grandparents, not just the mom and dad.
- Demonstrate your interest in family stories. During your first meeting with the Moldovan bride’s parents, it’s best to talk about safe subjects, and family history is the perfect option. Ask questions and show your genuine interest in the family.
Moldovan wedding customs and laws
A classic Moldovan wedding is a combination of European wedding traditions with Slavic nuptials and is definitely a sight to behold. If you have never been to a Moldovan wedding and are now getting ready for your own ceremony, these are the traditions to consider:
- Civil wedding ceremony. Even though Moldova is largely a Greek Orthodox country, religious weddings are not very common there. The official part of the wedding usually takes place at the registry office and the reception is held at a restaurant or even at home.
- No hiding from the groom. Unlike Western newlyweds, Moldovan brides and grooms start the wedding day together by getting ready in the same apartment. Seeing the bride before the wedding is not a symbol of bad luck for the groom and the marriage.
- Wedding godparents. Instead of a maid of honor and best man or an even larger wedding party, Moldovan newlyweds only have a couple of wedding grandparents. They are typically an older married couple who have a successful marriage and can guide the new husband and wife.
- Cash gifts. Guests don’t come empty-handed to a Moldovan wedding, but there is no wedding registry. Instead, the guests give cash in envelopes, and during the wedding reception, it’s customary for the guests to announce how much they put into those envelopes.
- Partying until dawn. A Moldovan wedding reception usually doesn’t start until 6 p.m. and it lasts beyond midnight. It’s not uncommon to see the bride’s or groom’s grandmother on the dancefloor even when it’s nearly dawn.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Moldovan brides only after my money?
Like any woman in the world, Moldovan brides want to live comfortably and want their future children to have everything they need. For this reason alone, your financial situation will inevitably matter to a Moldovan bride. However, she is indifferent towards luxury and is not planning to spend all of your money on her whims.
Is it common for Moldovan mail order brides to work?
Most of the Moldovan mail order brides you meet online are working simply because they have to financially support themselves and often their families. However, Moldovan women are not determined to work, and if there is an opportunity to just stay at home and attend to the needs of the family, a Moldovan wife will be happy to take it.
Who usually does the chores in a Moldovan family?
The answer to this question sometimes depends on who provides for the family financially. If you are going to be the sole provider, your Moldovan wife will assume nearly all of the house chores with no questions asked. However, if you both work, a Moldovan woman will be glad to share some of the duties with you as long as you are fine with it.

Anastasia Bodrova is an ethnographer who has met and researched people of all ethnicities and nationalities. Her level of expertise is fueled by her passion for travel. She knows everything about the most prominent features of different ethnicities and she can teach everyone how to successfully communicate with people from other nationalities.