Why are Lithuanian Mail Order Brides So Popular Nowadays?
Lithuanian mail order brides are of great interest among foreign singles. What is the secret of their popularity nowadays?
These remarkable women resemble a nordic type of beauty of Scandinavian countries. Being slim, long-legged blondes, they usually wear long hair. Pretty and even face traits as well as good physical condition allow Lithuania girls to be of top demand among potential husbands. Despite their cold image, Lithuanian mail order brides are hot girls and perfect lovers demonstrating a passionate temperament in close relationships.

Duly made-up, Lithuanian women are always elegantly dressed. They try to wear high heels, dresses or skirts despite the modern European fashion for a sporty look, trousers and sneakers. It is a great pleasure to watch these charming women drinking a cup of coffee in the café or hurrying up on their business.
Education and smartness
Post-soviet traditions in Lithuania imply great value for university education. Parents usually take responsibility for their children 5 or 6 year studying in prestigious institutions. Thus, many Lithuania women for marriage are well educated. They are also smart, able to maintain conversations on the vast majority of subjects.
Sympathy and warm
Lithuanian mail order brides are feminine and kind-hearted, which is unusual for a Nordic nature. They are able to sympathize, to understand the feelings of their partner and to console even a person whom they slightly know.
What are Lithuanian Wives Like?
Family values
Lithuanian wives offer their husband the best of them and their fundamental values, among which the family traditions are in the first place. Lithuanian mail order brides are very close with their parents, from whom they learn housekeeping traditions, how to lead homes, cooking and bringing up children.
Friends and lovers
Being sympathetic and intelligent, they always support their husbands, and are good companions and passionate lovers to their spouses.
Lithuanian girls usually do not earn much, but their own small business or a job allow them to stay socialized after getting married. Being well educated, these women try getting use of their college or university diplomas.
Intelligence and brought-up politeness allows them to be introduced even in the most respectful public.
Aging with a Lithuanian wife
Struggling for their family blessing and husband’s love, Lithuanian women maintain good health, physical condition and support their beauty through ages. You will be proud of your spouse’s look even when she is getting older.
Why Lithuanian Brides are Looking for a Foreign Husband?
As a new country of European Union, Lithuania suffers greatly from a lack of young and working age men. They leave for work in countries with higher living standards and salaries. Young women have limited choice of single Lithuanian men. Staying in their native country, singles often are subject to laziness, unemployment or hard drinking and are not good for family relationships.
- Lithuanian mail order brides are family oriented and looking for reliable partners. Looking for wealthy foreign husbands, they are able to offer the relevant input into the family happiness, like theirs true feelings, intelligence, faithfulness, solicitude.
- Lithuanian women for marriage are seldom greedy and money-oriented. Usually they are rather modest in their demands and are able to earn their own leaving. Looking forward to foreign husband marriage, they crave for reliable and sincere relationships, and a predictable future.
- As a former Soviet union country, Lithuania has lower life standards and average personal income, compared to western countries. Thus, Lithuanian women for marriage are ready for the relocation to their husband’s country, especially if their new homeland is more prosperous.
The Guide on Marrying a Lithuanian Women

Tips on Impressing a Lithuanian Girl
To conquer a Lithuanian mail order bride is quite a job. To perform well, some conditions should be kept. The following tips have proved to be of great use with the modest but noble Lithuanian women.
Your appearance
Your appearance is the first and the most important factor to produce the first impression. As it was noticed on the streets of Vilnius and other big towns of Lithuania, the bigger part of the guys are not tidy, wear shabby clothes and have awful not groomed hair and beards. Your up-to-date hairstyle, a clean and neat shirt will be eye-catching and will be highly evaluated by young women later.
Be witty and eloquent
A nice speech with species of witty jokes will allow you to maintain a good company after you have some visual interest from a Lithuanian lady. Practice in this, be exact, not offensive and avoid ambiguous jokes.
Maintain further conversation
After you’ve bridged the gap of genders, it’s high time to overcome the cultural gap. Ask questions, be attentive and try to find out something in common between you. You are lucky in case you are fans of some films, music, bands, games. Thus, you have much to talk about.
If not, do not be frustrated. Try to learn something from the country traditions, customs or historical facts. Lithuanians are proud of their county, and girls will eagerly participate in a conversation.
If you cope with these tips, you have scored enough to successfully invite your acquaintance to a date.

Meeting Lithuanian Bride’s Parents
Of course, nowadays it is not necessary to have a bride’s parents consent for your marriage.
However, Lithuanians have strong family traditions and relations, thus meeting your future in-laws as well as the following engagement ceremony is desirable. There is no strict recommendation on your first meeting.
In case, you get acquainted with your Lithuanian bride’s parents and propose to her at the same time, – this is a ceremony of engagement, and it has some local traditions.
- Parents of the bride and bridegroom take part in this ceremony, as well as the couple’s close friends.
- After the proposition has been announced and a bride has agreed to become a wife, a groom presents a ring and puts it on a future wife’s finger.
- A best friend (best man or matchmaker) announces a young couple’s agreement. The role of the Matchmaker is great during the following ceremony of the marriage and the wedding party. So be selectable and invite for this role your most friendly, eloquent and jolliest mate.
- After the main event, a small dinner is served and the couple parents exchange some gifts. They are usually hand-made or locally produced (embroidered cloths and towels, knitted socks or groves, woodworks, etc.)
Lithuanian Wedding Customs and Laws
Unfortunately, few customs are now preserved in Lithuania. It is possible to participate in a true folk event in some rural area of this country or in the village. Only the elements of Lithuanian traditional celebrations are used in modern weddings.
Saying good-bye to friends
This is a special event separately conducted for Lithuanian brides and groom’s friends. A party for females is called Mergvakaris (a Hen’s Party); for males – Bernvakaris (a Stags’ Party). Young people gather together a week prior to the wedding to play games, sing songs. They are treated with food and drinks.
Marriage ceremony
Usually the ceremony of marriage takes place in a church. A bride wears a traditional white dress decorated with flowers of ruta (rue) on the waist. This flower symbolizes purity and happy life before marriage. After the ceremony, guests are invited to the reception hall for celebrating a new family birth and congratulating a couple.
Newlyweds go for some fun and photo sessions with their best friends. A couple has to perform some ritual actions, which is believed will bring happiness to a family and establish strong relations between a bride and a groom.
- newlyweds cut a log;
- a groom carries his bride across the bridge;
- a couple hangs a shut lock with their names on the bridge and throws a key into the water.
Wedding celebration
A traditional wedding celebration is carried out for two days. It is conducted in a special reception hall. A Matchmaker (or a Best Man) plays an important role as the host of the party. He entertains the guests and performs traditional duties: prizes the groom, conducts jolly games and quizzes.
At the end of the first day celebration, the parents of the couple present the newlyweds a decorated candle, which symbolizes the warmth of their new family hearth. A bride changes her veil for a headscarf, and then cuts a wedding cake and presents it to everybody.
The second day celebration begins almost in the morning. Guests are gathered for dinner. Some traditional jokes, scenes and games are played by the matchmaker, musicians and newlyweds to entertain the public.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Lithuanian women actively date online?
In the case of Lithuanian mail order brides, there is no need for costly travels to Lithuania for initial acquaintance. The Internet has made even the most exotic brides closer, offering an opportunity of online dates.
Lithuanian mail order brides are well-educated, speak foreign languages, are good apps and PC-users.
Registering with the special dating resources, the women do not only meet foreign singles online. They also carefully select those potential husbands with whom they have something in common, similar ideas, values, interests. Presenting yourself online, try to mention details of your main activities, interests and hobbies, thus making your offline date closer.
Chances for a happy family life are great with these intelligent women for marriage.
What food will your Lithuanian bride cook for you?
Alongside with their natural beauty, amiable character traits and intelligence, Lithuanian mail order brides have perfect housekeeping skills. They are good cooks, and will surely try to impress you with their abilities in the kitchen.
What are the most delicious dishes from Lithuanian cuisine?
Like most of the northeastern countries, Lithuania is an agricultural state. All kinds of cereals (rye, barley), greenery, vegetables are always fresh on your table. They also breed cattle (cowas, pigs) that is why fresh pork and dairy products are available.
Try the abundance of the delicious dishes cooked of potatoes: potato crepes, pies and even sausages. Doughnuts, dumplings with various fillings like honey, jams, poppy, cottage cheese may be skillfully prepared by Lithuanian women for marriage for your dessert.

Anastasia Bodrova is an ethnographer who has met and researched people of all ethnicities and nationalities. Her level of expertise is fueled by her passion for travel. She knows everything about the most prominent features of different ethnicities and she can teach everyone how to successfully communicate with people from other nationalities.