Why Are Dutch Mail Order Brides so Popular Nowadays?
The number of Dutch mail order brides on the internet may not be as high as the number of other European women for marriage, but there are thousands of men who are determined to marry a Dutch woman. So what exactly makes them so popular with men? Primarily, it’s the combination of these three factors.

They look fabulous
Dutch women are exactly as beautiful as you imagine. They are tall and lean, with light skin and hair in various shades of blonde. Most Dutch women have very mild facial features, but instead of highlighting them with lots of makeup, they let their natural beauty shine. Since they don’t wear heavy makeup or go for harmful beauty procedures to try and look better, they look much younger than they really are and maintain this feature for decades.
They are very straightforward
With a Dutch bride as your girlfriend and potential wife, you will never need to guess what she’s thinking — she will always tell you. Dutch women don’t hide their feelings and emotions, both positive and negative. On one hand, it means that you will likely have regular arguments initiated by your Dutch bride. On the other hand, it also means that you can always know for sure that your girlfriend loves you and wants to be with you.
They live to love
From the independent demeanor of Dutch women, you may think that they are not romantic at all and have a purely pragmatic view of relationships and marriage. However, this is far from the truth and for a typical Dutch girl, life can be pretty meaningless if there isn’t someone to share it with. Dutch women are not promiscuous, but they are at their happiest when they have a loving and lovable partner.
What Are Dutch Wives Like?
As it’s often the case, Dutch women save the best for last, meaning they showcase some of their best qualities only in marriage. There are many reasons to propose to your Dutch mail order bride, but these are the three strongest ones.

They strive for equality
A Dutch woman will never become dependent on her husband immediately after the wedding. She enjoys making her own money, having her own career, and not having to spend 24 hours a day at home. Dutch women also prefer sharing the home duties with the husband, but when you realize that the chores can be done twice as fast that way, you will never want to go back to the old gender roles in the family.
They are passionate about cooking
Dutch wives are not as focused on house chores as some other mail order brides, but there is one aspect of housework that always excites and inspires them. Cooking occupies a special place in Dutch culture and it’s one of the primary ways for Dutch people to take care of their loved ones. No matter how busy she is, your Dutch wife will always find time to prepare a fresh meal for her family.
They make the most caring mothers
Dutch women are not that eager to have children early in their lives and on average, Dutch first-time mothers are over 30. It means that the decision to have children is a very grounded and serious one for them. They don’t have children just because it’s time or because the society tells them to, and that’s exactly what makes them so thoughtful, caring, attentive, and affectionate as mothers.
Why Are Dutch Brides Looking for a Foreign Husband?
The Netherlands is one of the most prosperous and stable countries in Europe. There is nothing Dutch women cannot have in their own country and they enjoy more education and career opportunities than most of their foreign counterparts. Moreover, Dutch women are treated well by their native men and rarely experience domestic violence or other negative factors that can make them want to flee the country.
The reason why Dutch girls frequently become mail order brides is that they want to find out what lies beyond the borders of their home country. They are looking for romance in life and while Dutch men are not devoid of this feeling, Dutch girls believe that they can feel happier and more appreciated when they marry foreign guys.
The Guide on Marrying a Dutch Woman
Tips on dating a Dutch girl
Dutch women are very careful about choosing a partner and they will never agree to marry you before she gets to truly know you. She will also pay attention to your dating style, so make sure to follow these tips:
- Be more assertive than usual. You may have a mild, easily influenced character, but that’s not what Dutch girls want to see in their men. You need to be decisive and assertive, but avoid dominating over your Dutch bride.
- Don’t be afraid of deep discussions. When you are beginning a relationship with a beautiful woman, your first instinct is probably to indulge in lots of small talk. However, Dutch girls prefer stimulating, intellectual discussions, and you will grow to love them too.
- Go Dutch. There is a reason why this saying has the word “Dutch” in it. Dutch girls are not used to men paying for dinners and you shouldn’t insist on it. Splitting the check is completely normal in the Netherlands.
- Choose something other than a restaurant date. A restaurant or a coffee shop provides a great setting for getting to know each other, but a Dutch bride can quickly get bored by it. A picnic in the park, a library date, or something more extreme will easily impress her.
- Let her set the pace of the relationship. Generally, Dutch women prefer not to drag out their relationships. A Dutch bride may be ready to move through the relationship stages quickly, which is why you need to watch out for her cues.

Meeting Dutch bride parents: 3 tips
Dutch women are not particularly dependent on the opinion of their parents, but they do want to get their approval when they plan to marry someone. If you are invited to the family home of your Dutch mail order bride, here is how to behave on your first visit.
- Bring your best stories. You rightfully consider your meeting with your bride’s parents as an easy way to get to know more about her and her background. However, they will also want to learn everything about you, so it’s best to come prepared with stories.
- Don’t go all-in with the presents. Showing up empty-handed to your first meeting with your future Dutch in-laws is not a good decision, but you also shouldn’t spend your month’s salary on the gifts. Something as simple as a bottle of nice wine or sweets will do great.
- Be completely relaxed. There is no need to stress out over your meeting with the parents of your Dutch bride because they will be as excited to meet you as you are to meet them. So just be on your best behavior and show your cheerful attitude.
Dutch wedding customs and laws
Dutch people are not very religious, but they do respect some religious traditions of the past and even usually hold their weddings in a church. Besides the classic Catholic wedding ceremony, here is what else you need to know about before getting married to a Dutch bride.
- A wedding procession. On the wedding day morning, you will need to arrive at your bride’s family home and take her to the wedding venue. You two will lead the procession and the other guests will follow you.
- The wishing tree. You are probably familiar with the tradition of a wedding guestbook, but Dutch people do things differently. Instead, they have a wishing tree standing by the newlyweds during the reception. The guests will write their well-wishes on paper leaves and tie them onto the tree for the newlyweds to read them later.
- A reception performance. In Western weddings, guests always toast the newlyweds, but Dutch wedding guests go one step further and actually deliver a whole surprise performance to celebrate the bride and the groom.
- Freezing the cake. The top tier of the cake at a Dutch wedding is not eaten immediately. Instead, it is frozen and then enjoyed by the newlyweds on their first wedding anniversary or on the day their first-born child is christened.
- The white bread weeks. Westen newlyweds celebrate the honeymoon, while new Dutch husbands and wives have white bread weeks after the wedding. For six weeks after the ceremony, the newlyweds should not be bothered.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Dutch women actually need men to be happy?
Definitely yes! From the ambitions and self-confidence of Dutch girls, you may get the idea that they are perfectly happy on their own and don’t need a man in their lives. However, this is not true at all and Dutch women need the man to become the final piece of the puzzle in their personal happiness.
Are Dutch brides too busy with work?
Work is an important aspect in the life of a Dutch woman, so you shouldn’t expect her to leave work completely after you two get married. At the same time, Dutch women are famous for their ideal work/life balance and will never sacrifice a romantic evening with you or a fun weekend with the whole family for a few hours at work.
What if my Dutch bride makes more than me?
Dutch women are very career-oriented and ambitious, which is why the situation where a Dutch wife makes more than her husband is more common than you think. However, this is not going to be a problem and your Dutch bride won’t hold the difference in your income against you — she will simply love you for who you are.

Anastasia Bodrova is an ethnographer who has met and researched people of all ethnicities and nationalities. Her level of expertise is fueled by her passion for travel. She knows everything about the most prominent features of different ethnicities and she can teach everyone how to successfully communicate with people from other nationalities.