Albania used to be famous for its constant participation in military conflicts and a high crime rate. But now it is becoming more and more popular as a tourist destination. And this is not surprising! This country is situated on the shores of the Adriatic sea with extremely clear water. Also, there are picturesque mountains with dense forests that make the air fresh and nice to breathe there.
But what else makes Albania so popular with tourists from all over the world? Of course, local women. There are hundreds of stories of happy couples of Albanian girls and Western men.
Do you want to know whether an Albanian lady is a good match for you and how to succeed in dating Albanian women? Then keep reading and find out the answers to these questions below.

What Are Albanian Women Like?
Why do plenty of Western men marry Albanian mail order brides? What is so special about them and what are their advantages in comparison with Western ladies?
They Look Exotic and Extremely Beautiful
Sexy Albanian women are really exotic for Western men. They look very hot and elegant. Thanks to the enchanting oriental beauty, pretty Albanian girls often take first place in international beauty contests. So, what’s there to talk about the conquest of men’s hearts? For beautiful Albanian women, this is very easy!
They are Stylish
Though the majority of Albanians are Muslims, they do not wear traditional clothes that cover the whole body. On the contrary, hot Albanian girls are fond of fashionable looks. Many young girls wear mini skirts and short dresses. More mature women prefer to follow Italian fashion, choosing elegant suits, high-quality shoes, and exquisite accessories.
So, the manner Albanian women dress emphasizes their natural beauty and makes them even more attractive to men. But before falling in love with a beautiful Albanian girl, learn more about the character traits that are most common for the people of this nationality.
They are Kind Hearted
Though Albania has a reputation as a warlike and dangerous country, this is definitely not about the character of local girls. They are very kind, gentle, and feminine.
They are Hardworking
Despite being beautiful, feminine, and fragile, Albanian women are not lazy. They never sit back but are always busy with interesting and profitable activities. Only a half of ladies of this nationality are housewives. The other half work as well.
They are Family Oriented
Albanian women are not interested in light affairs. They meet men only for serious relationships. Therefore, Albanian mail order brides are a perfect choice for the men who believe that it is high time for them to get married and who do not want to waste much time on pointless flirting.
They are Loyal
Cheating on husbands is a strict taboo for Albanian women. Therefore, it does not even make sense to be jealous. If you want your future wife to be faithful and not even to look towards other men, there is no better choice than one of the Albanian mail order brides.
Do Albanian Women Make Good Wives?
Of course, the image of a perfect wife is individual for each man. Tastes differ. But we can surely say that Albanian wives are nice. That is why hundreds of Western men are fond of Albanian mail order brides. And here are more details on typical Albanian wives.
Albanian Wives Do not Tend to Dominate and Respect Their Husbands
Though Albania is a rather progressive secular country, some parts of old Muslim traditions and mentality have been saved. And one of them is respect for a husband.
Wives of this nationality believe a man to be the head of a family. Therefore, they do not try to lead a husband and make him a henpecked. Albanian wives expect their husbands to make their own decisions. And, of course, they respect their spouses’ points of view.
Albanian Wives are Nice Housekeepers
Girls of this nationality often help their mothers with household chores since childhood. Therefore, they are excellent at housekeeping and cooking. They can make perfect housewives.
Albanian Wives are Extremely Devoted
They usually stay faithful to one man for long years. They do not strive for diversity and almost never cheat on their spouses. Moreover, they do everything possible to save a family despite conflicts and problems. It is not typical for Albanian wives to divorce for a trifling reason.
Albanian Wives Love Children
Kids are the main point of the family, in Albanian women’s opinion. So, they usually dream of a large family with 3 or more kids. And they can perfectly deal with them. They love all their children equally, take very good care of them and do everything to ensure that they are happy.

What Kind of Men Do They Like?
A lot of Albanian mail order brides are eager to marry foreigners. They are fond of Western men as they have many advantages as compared with the local ones. So, being a foreigner is a great plus that increases your chances to win the heart of a lady of this nationality. Age and appearance usually are not very important. More crucial parameters are character traits. To be more attractive to the ladies of this nationality you should be:
- Serious about her and ready for a family. Albanian women prefer not to waste their time on light affairs. They are aimed only at serious relationships. Therefore, if a girl of this nationality notices that you have other intentions, she will refuse to start a relationship with you.
- Loving and affectionate. Gentle displays of affection are very important for hot Albanian girls.
- Respectful. If you respect her and love not only her appearance but also personality, you will differ favorably from the local men. There is a lack of respect for women in Albania as in many other Muslim countries. And this is one of the most important reasons for the ladies of this nationality to look for foreign husbands.
- Successful financially. Though the ladies of this nationality are hardworking and often do not give up building their careers after getting married, they still expect their husbands to be the main breadwinners for a family. Therefore, to increase the chances of an Albanian bride choosing you, it is necessary to show that you can earn a decent family budget.
Where to Meet Albanian Women in Albania?
Of course, you should go to one of the largest cities as most of the beautiful local singles live there. So, choose the one from the list:
- Tirana, the capital, the main political and cultural center of Albania.
- Vlore, a large port city by the Vlore bay.
- Elbasan, the third most populous city of Albania situated on the Shkumbin river bank. It is landlocked, so it is not very popular with tourists. Thus, this is the best option for those who want to meet only local women and do not scatter attention to the ladies that have come to Albania from other countries to spend their vacation.
As your main goal is to meet girls, we will not tell you about the popular sightseeings. We will list only the best places for getting acquainted with ladies:
- nightclubs for those who want to meet the hottest girls;
- parks for those who prefer a quieter atmosphere and calmer women.
You can find the list of both kinds of places in the 3 best Albanian cities below.
- Discobox;
- Nightclub Mexico;
- Venue Dance Club;
- Cinco Cavalli Night Club;
- Lollipop Club;
- 4 Elements;
- Amsterdam;
- Tunnel Club;
- Folie Terrace;
- Cavaliero Club.
- The Grand Park of Tirana;
- Rinia Park;
- The Botanical Park of Tirana;
- Park of Farka Artificial Lake;
- Dajti Mountain National Park;
- Tirana Luna Park.
- Show Palace;
- Marina Club.
- Lulishte Marina;
- Llogara National Park;
- Aulona Luna Park.
- Havanna;
- Glow;
- Ping.
- Sheshi Valmi;
- Joli Park.
Where to Meet Albanian Women Online?
If you are rather short of time you cannot afford to go abroad to meet girls. This takes much time and does not always bring the expected results.
Thus, it is a better idea to use specialized Albanian mail order brides services. They are created to help Western men and Albanian women to find each other and set up an international family.
They provide a wide range of verified profiles of Albanian brides for anyone to choose to his taste. Also, there is all the needed functionality for convenient and safe keeping in touch with a lady you love.
Join one of the websites or apps for finding Albanian wives and get closer to a happy family not even going out from home!

How to Date an Albanian Girl: 5 Tips
Dating an Albanian girl, you should deal with some kind of a cultural gap. As Western and Albanian mentalities significantly differ, you should make some effort to get along with a foreign girl. Moreover, you should pay attention to the reasons why Albanian women like men from abroad more than locals and try to meet the expectations of a lady from a foreign groom.
Here are some valuable tips for foreigners on how to make a good relationship with an Albanian bride:
- Show your serious intentions. This is the only way of attracting the attention of one of the beautiful Albanian mail order brides. These ladies are interested only in men who are eager to start a family soon.
- Be considerate and gentle. This will help you to show your best side and distinguish yourself favorably from local men.
- Always keep in touch. Albanian women get attached to their beloved men quickly and need much attention from them. Therefore, a bride of this nationality feels abandoned and gets offended if you interrupt communication for a while. For maintaining good relations, always keep in touch all day long.
- Do not insist on intimacy. Many Albanian women believe sex before the wedding to be not acceptable. So, be careful with the hints on intimacy.
- Show that you are ready and able to provide for a family. A man is believed to be the head of a family and the main breadwinner in Albanian culture. Therefore, for an Albanian woman to take you as a potential husband, show her that you can take care of her. Here are some ways of how to do this: tell her about your career achievements, show her what kind of apartment you live in, give presents to her, and help her when she has financial problems.
What Language Do Albanian Women Speak?
The official language is Albanian. And the majority of Albanian women speak only it. However, some Albanian mail order brides from resort cities speak English a little. But their level of English is rarely enough for full-value communication.
Therefore, you should think of ways of overcoming the language barrier. For example, you can order professional translators’ and entrepreneurs’ services or use online translation apps. If you really love each other, neither language nor cultural barrier can prevent you from setting up a happy couple.
Is It Allowed to Albanian Women to Marry Foreigners?
Yes, it is. Though the most widespread religion in Albania is Islam (63% of the population are Muslims), this is a secular state. The religious laws are not strict there. So, even Albanian ladies who are Muslims are allowed to marry foreigners. However, some of them want their husbands to be Muslims too. But this is not an indispensable condition.
Also, 31% of the population are Christians and 6% are atheists. Therefore, you do not have to be a Muslim to marry one of the beautiful Albanian mail order brides.
How Many Kids Do Albanian Women Want to Have?
They rarely want to have only one child. More often, they are eager to create a big family with 3 or more kids.

Anastasia Bodrova is an ethnographer who has met and researched people of all ethnicities and nationalities. Her level of expertise is fueled by her passion for travel. She knows everything about the most prominent features of different ethnicities and she can teach everyone how to successfully communicate with people from other nationalities.